
Woody Guthrie – Talking Subway

Singers: Woody Guthrie
song cover

Lyrics Woody Guthrie – Talking Subway


I struck out for old New York
Thought I’d find me a job of work
One leg up and the other leg down
I come in through a hole in the ground

Holland Tunnel. Three mile tube
Skippin’ through the Hudson River dew

I blowed into New York town
And I looked up and I looked down
Everybody I seen on the streets
Was all a running down in a hole in the ground
I follered ’em. See where they’s a going
Newsboy said they’re tryin’ to smoke a rat out of a hole

I run down thirty eight flights of stairs
Boy, howdy! I declare!
I rode old elevator twenty two
And spent my last lone nickel, too
Feller in a little cage got it
Herded me through a shoot the shoot
Run me through three clothes wringers
So many people down in there I couldn’t even fall down

I swung onto my old guitar
Train come a rumbling down the track
I got shoved into the wrong damn car
With three grass widows on my back
Two of ’em looking for home relief
Other one just investigating