Lyrics Allday – Girls In Jeans
Girls in jeans (and we go round and round)
Letting my life shine, let it shine bright
Trying to be me, trying to keep you
Trying to move on, still trying to re-do
Trying to neglect rules, still respect space
You wanted good head? You got a headcase
Want to let fly but I’m still at home base
Want to just cry, got to keep a brave face
I dated girls with a brain like a peanut
I dated girls in jeans that made my knees knock
Now I’m trying to ship out, now I’m trying to clean up
Trying to add sugar to a storm in a teacup
You got a lot of nerve to be calling me
But you know I’ve always liked it when you’re naughty
Now I hate you, wait baby I’m sorry
Come back to me, it’s not the end of this story
Wish I could protect you still from this foul world
But you ain’t my girl, we both protect ourselves
Now my eyes wander, wondering how to swallow the horror
Wallowing in self-pity I borrowed
Hollow, hello I’m a monstrous fellow
Might break your heart, just play your cards like taro
Sweating in the sun, sung by a steel arrow
Like sand through the hourglass, you were my wheelbarrow
I don’t want to regret it forever
I just want to feel better and better but
But I’m doing my best to pretend that I’m cool and
I dated girls with a pass like Iraq
I dated girls with an arse like fine art
Now my sheets smell of a girl I don’t know at all
If I could take it all back to that phone call