Lyrics Deez Nuts – Tonight We’re Gonna Party…
Alright, what’re we doin’? What are we up to?
Uh, that’s a good question, uh… oh yeah, we’re doin’ Tonight We’re Gonna Party Like There’s No Tomorrow.
Okay. Let’s give it a shot.
Check check!
Louie Knuxx:
Tonight we’re gonna party like there’s no tomorrow
Forget about our worries and drown our sorrows
Don’t forget about your boys when you’re tipping that bottle
Drunk till fucking death yeah that’s our motto
What was that?
What do you mean?
Is that what you’re gonna do? Is that how you’re gonna do it?
Well it was fucking… It was the first take. But yeah something like that, why?
Ahhh. I don’t think that’s um I reckon you should do it umm… fuck man! It’s gotta be like Rocky!
Rocky? Alright bro, if you say so.
Check check!
Ahren Stringer:
Tonight we’re gonna party like there’s no tomorrow
Forget about our worries and drown our sorrows
Don’t forget about your boys when you’re tipping that bottle
Drunk till fucking death yeah that’s our motto
Dude, that’s not it at all.
What… I don’t know man, I don’t know what you want from me, eh.
We haven’t really got time for this man um.
Well I’ve done like… those were all good takes dude. I really don’t know what you’re trying to get out of me, eh.
I reckon you’ve gotta do it ah heavy man. It’s gotta have balls!
Come on.
Do you want this shit to sell?
Alright dude, heavy, alright, I’ll have a crack.
Check check!
Jamie Hope:
Tonight we’re gonna party like there’s no tomorrow
Forget about our worries and drown our sorrows
Don’t forget about your boys when you’re tipping that bottle
Drunk till fucking death yeah that’s our motto
Nah, no way man.
Are you serious?
Nah, dude this is your last chance.
Bro, you ask for Rocky, I did fucking Rocky. You asked for heavy, I gave you fucking like melt your face off heavy, like…
Yeah, yeah I know man, but it’s just ah.
You’re fucking killing me.
Think Deez Nuts, just think fucking Deez Nuts.
Alright, think Deez Nuts eh…
Come on man. Just don’t fucking waste my time dude…
Fuuck… alright, alright, yep. I reckon I’ve got it this time, alright.
You sure?
Yeah man, I’m fucking sure.
Just make sure you press record.
Check check!