
Dot Dot Curve – 42 FuckS

Singers: Dot Dot Curve
Albums: Dot Dot Curve – Dot Dot Curve - ManBearPig
song cover

Lyrics Dot Dot Curve – 42 FuckS


You want someone to speak their mind and say some crazy shit and not give a fuck what they say in any line, we hear some shit. Hate me for it, respect me for it, do as you please
I’m not asking you to get on your knees and slob on my D, shit

Fuck crunk, fuck pop, fuck rock, fuck hip-hop
Fuck a genre, fuck T. Million, fuck Millionaires

Fuck BrokeNCYDE, fuck the rappest band Blood on the Dance Floor
Fuck Jeffree Star, fuck all these groupie whores
Fuck your band, fuck the ground you stand
Fuck any fuck on the social web
You deserve no cred, fuck Sev, I don’t look like or sound like that fuck, fuck StandBy Records, fuck Neil Sheehan
Fuck his wife and kid with my bloody hand
Fuck a jerk, fuck a scene kid, fuck a hippie
Fuck a hipster, fuck a prep, fuck a bum
Fuck any human being living or dead, fuck your hair dude
Fuck your plugs, fuck your attitude, fuck your cool drugs
Fuck your skinny jeans, fuck your tight tees
Fuck your tatt’s, fuck your ass with 10 spiked baseball bats
Fuck the world, fuck this music shit, fuck this beat
And mainly fuck Spanky, fuck Dot Dot Curve
And fuck all you fucks, I’m out


Dot Dot Curve – Dot Dot Curve - ManBearPig