
Era – Cathar Rhythm

Singers: Era
Albums: Era – Era - Era
song cover

Lyrics Era – Cathar Rhythm


Don’t you come back now?
Don’t you turn your eyes?
And if you dare to look
I’ll be you waiting

Impera e nessimo
Impera samie nero
Dove di immantore Dio

You hear my prayer
Don’t you turn your eyes?
And if you dare to mourn
I’ll be you waiting

Impera e nessimo
Impera samie nero
Dove di immantore torra

E mani diavole
E mano diavole
E nere mani diavole

Impera e nessimo
Impera samie nero
Dove di immantore Dio

Don’t you come back now?
Don’t you turn your eyes?
E nere mani diavole
You hear my prayer
E nere mani diavole
I’ll be you waiting

Traduo do trecho em latim:

The empire is nothing
The empire got black
Where are you, cruel God/fortress

And hands of devil
And hand of devil
And black hands of devil


Era – Era - Era