
How To Dress Well – Nonkilling 13 | Ceiling For The Sky

Albums: How To Dress Well – How To Dress Well - The Anteroom
song cover

Lyrics How To Dress Well – Nonkilling 13 | Ceiling For The Sky


Light was waiting in the sky, disguised
The void dictated and described our cries.

The night pulsating with delight, alive
Hieroglyphs of past desires, the sky

You’re falling over words, you wanna know the deal:
Where everything was meant to be f‌it.
You’ve done all the research, you ought to know what’s real:
Why everything’s so carefully felt.

Been reading to the earth from the book I got my name,
Because wounds were only meant to be fed.
The images are blurred and sight is always late
When you’re looking out it’s all yesterday.

No there’s no goal, there’s no god
Just take this off of me!
There’s no Word, there’s no world
Void this memory!

Wake me up, make me more
Than a character in dream
Break my skull, rip it off
The moment that I wake.

Listen to the sleeping dogs!
The animals say: «Please just go away!»
Say let it rot, let it rot
Nothing left to desecrate.
Total loss, total loss
Complete obscenity.
No there’s no goal, there’s no god
Just take this off of me.


How To Dress Well – How To Dress Well - The Anteroom