
Isobel Campbell – Dabbling In The Door

Albums: Isobel Campbell – O Love Is Teasin'
song cover

Lyrics Isobel Campbell – Dabbling In The Door


Oh, where are you going to, my pretty little dear
With your red rosie cheeks and your
«I’m going a milking, kind sir» she answered me
«For it’s dabbling in the dew that makes the milkmaids fair»

Suppose I were to buy you, my pretty little dear
A green silken gown and a ruby for your ear
«Oh no, kind sir, with that I don’t agree
For it’s dabbling in the dew that makes the milkmaids fair»

Suppose I were to buy you, my pretty little dear
Lalalalala and a curly black hair
«Oh no, kind sir, with that I don’t agree
For it’s dabbling in the dew that makes the milkmaids fair»

Suppose I were to wet you, my pretty little dear
With your red rosie cheeks and your coal black hair
«Oh, then I’d be a wag, kind sir», she answered me
«And it’s dabbling in the dew that makes the milkmaids fair»


Isobel Campbell – O Love Is Teasin'