
Kublai Khan – Cloth Ears

Singers: Kublai Khan
Albums: Kublai Khan – Absolute
song cover

Lyrics Kublai Khan – Cloth Ears


All you virtue signaling fucks
You’re all the same. Pussy rats
You expect change but just complain
Shut your mouth, use your brain

Nothing real to say. Nothing real to me
Nothing happens but you swear you’re helping
Nothing is achieved when all you do is scream
You state your case I’m listening

Ruled by mob

Holier than thou does not impress me
You got the heart but you’re arrogant

It does not serve you well
Convinced your virtue does sell
Compelled to preach to me
A new human living error free
Demand love and equality
But not if ideologies disagree
If I speak I become the enemy
For questioning your reasoning

I don’t give a goddamn what you think of me
But I give a goddamn if you think or if you just agree
Refusing civil conversation
Is the death of mental exploration

This is end of the line
Back up your shit or shut up
Listen for once in your life
We are not rivals


Kublai Khan – Absolute