Lisa Stansfield – Picket Fence

Albums: Night Ranger – Seven
song cover

Lyrics Lisa Stansfield – Picket Fence


When I signed
On the dotted line
I didn’t sign up for this
And when I swore

On the Holy Bible
It didn’t mean shit to me
Because I fell in love with him
Up to my elbows
Up to my cheek
I knew the man was trouble
They gave me a shovel
And I digged him in

In my defense
I never wanted
No picket fence
And to obey
That’s not the way
That’s not the way
That’s not the way
I rest my case

Better get in line
For an orange suit
Too much anger
And so much to lose
So now I’m swearing
On the Holy Bible
To tell the truth, the whole truth
And nothing but the truth
I fell in love with him

But see we both committed sin
Knew all along that he was trouble
He did, my friend, so I did him, man


Why I’m leavin my shoes
You see, I fell in love with him
And I took it all ?
I got myself in trouble
Time’s abided double
And I’m not giving in
