
Paul Brandt – The King

Singers: Paul Brandt
Albums: Paul Brandt – Paul Brandt - This Time Around
song cover

Lyrics Paul Brandt – The King


The other day
I got in a fight
In involved me and my foot in my mouth
And my wife

Then I got to thinking
Wouldn’t it be grand
If with every word I said
My wish was the world’s command

I’d be the king
I’d be the top
I’d give myself a raise
Throw my own parade
Number one, the chief, the boss
I’d be the king

No honey-do list
I’d make all the rules (I’d rule)
Whatever I say is the way that it goes
That’d be cool
And I’d go fishing
Or maybe watch sports on TV
And folks would carry me around
And I’d get to wear a crown
And I’d never spend a day on my feet
Chorus-solo-rpt chorus

I’d be living large
I’d be in charge
& the world would bow to me
I’d be the king

It happened again
I got in a fight

In involved me and my foot in my mouth
And my wife


Paul Brandt – Paul Brandt - This Time Around