
Sparks – B.C.

Singers: Sparks
Albums: Sparks – Propaganda
song cover

Lyrics Sparks – B.C.


My name’s Aaron
Hers is Betty
Our boy is a Charlie, so the neighbours sing «hooray for ABC»
ABC forever, each endeavour that I do, I do to keep together


BC, Betty, Betty, get back here
BC, Charlie, Charlie, get back here
You’re conveniently forgetting our little wedding
So much for our ABC
Say hello to instability

Everyone we know is shifting to, is shifting fro, with
the exception of we 3, we’re ABC
Aaron, Betty, Charlie, here today and here
tomorrow, I can hear them sing «Here, here» for ABC

BC, Betty, Betty, get back here
BC, Charlie, Charlie, get back here
Three was never crowded, our little house did house three handsomely
BC, Betty, Betty, get back here
BC, Charlie, Charlie, get back here
You’re conveniently forgetting our little wedding, our honeymoon beside the sea

You just cannot believe in ABC
If you can’t believe in ABC, you can’t believe, you
can’t believe, you can’t believe, you can’t believe
Rumours spread like tumours, too too fast and too too true

Oh, Betty, Charlie, Betty, Charlie don’t you leave
BC, that takes care of ABC
BC, that takes care of ABC
Once the fixture of the ages, the Yellow Pages start
with baby’s needs

BC, back to swinging in the trees

BC, back to crawling on my knees
Aaron’s here without a Betty
without a Charlie
So much for our ABC
So much for our stability
So much for our stability
So much for our A+B+C


Sparks – Propaganda