
Teitur – Describe You

Singers: Teitur
Albums: Teitur – Confessions
song cover

Lyrics Teitur – Describe You


I was trying to describe you to someone
You don’t look like anyone I’ve seen before
I couldn’t say she looks just like Jane Fonda
You don’t look like Jane Fonda at all

I finally ended up describing you as a movie I saw when I was a child
I think I was seven or eight or six
It was a movie about rural electrification

The movie
It was about farmers living in the country without electricity
They didn’t have any appliances and they had to use lanterns

They put poles across the countryside
Strong wire over fields and pastures
There was an incredible heroic dimension
The movie showed electricity like a young greek god
Coming to take away forever dark ways of life

I was trying to describe you to someone
You don’t look like anyone I’ve seen before
I couldn’t say she looks just like Jane Fonda
I couldn’t say her mouth is a little different
You don’t look like Jane Fonda at all


Teitur – Confessions