Lyrics Turbonegro – Rise Below
Lord knows it ain’t easy
No, it ain’t easy
Dealing with the demons
The demons of this land
Never said it was easy
No, it ain’t easy
Escaping from the basement
With a pentagram in yer hands
And when the time is right
It’s written in the snow
That when the tide is right
We’re gonna rise below
Lord knows it ain’t easy
No, it ain’t easy
Fawning for the Dark Lord
Applying polish to his claws
Never said it was easy
No, it ain’t easy
Slaving funny hours
Beneath the crooked cross
But when the Master’s gone
It’s written in the snow
That when the tide is right
Again we rise bellow
Tonight we rise
Lord knows it ain’t easy
No, it ain’t easy
Sticking to a diet
With such a sweet sweet tooth for blood
Never said it was easy
Hiding in the hollows
Waiting for the flood
And so it’s come to pass
The time to overthrow
The night is here at last
For us to rise below
Tonight we rise