
Wilco – Where Do I Begin

Singers: Wilco
Albums: Wilco – Star Wars
song cover

Lyrics Wilco – Where Do I Begin


Alright at least you cried
A point of pride has torn in two
What was we where we meets you
From where we end to where do I begin

We’re so alone
We’re never alone
Forever in debt to the stomach I get
When things can’t be known
Our paths overgrown
From where we end to where do I begin

Why can’t we tell when we’re in hell
Why can’t I say something to make you well
When things can’t be seen confined within the dream
From where we end to where do I begin
From what was left behind to you’re my friend
I won’t ever ever ever fall apart like that again
From where we are to where do I begin


Wilco – Star Wars