
Womack & Womack – Slave (Just For Love)

Albums: Womack & Womack – Conscience
song cover

Lyrics Womack & Womack – Slave (Just For Love)


He loved you, oh yes, he needed you
He gave it all he had, for just one woman

He will sacrifice for you, just to make your dreams come true, only for you

Cold love, he died for you

Overworked in sweat for you
He fell sick, broke in two
You held the keys to set him free
Chains of love to misery
Everyday for you he craved
But you never came to save

He was your slave, he was your slave
Love took him to his grave
For you he slaved

Material gain was not his thing
But he worked three jobs just to bring
You three diamond rings
But, for it wasn’t enough
He turned crook, and life turned rough
From bad to worse
Oh, then they hauled him off to jail
Locked him away in a lonely cell
Without his love, he did his time
Died there with you in his mind

He was your slave, he was your slave
Love took him to his grave
For you he slaved

His woman’s dialogue
And if I had to do, all over again
I’d take him in my arms, and love him like a friend
Since he’s been gone, for his love I crave

I ain’t too proud to say, for this love I’ll slave
I tried… (he tried)… we tried
The love died
I ain’t too proud to say, for his love I’ll slave
Since he’s been gone, for his love I crave


Womack & Womack – Conscience