
Woody Guthrie – Jiggy Jiggy Bum

Singers: Woody Guthrie
Albums: Woody Guthrie – Nursery Days
song cover

Lyrics Woody Guthrie – Jiggy Jiggy Bum


I walked out on a sagebrush hill
Thought I’d find me a hog to kill
I heard a big squeal and up jumped one
I pulled my trigger and drug him home

Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
Hey piggy, run, run
Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
And a hey piggy, run

Tied my rope around his feet
Swung him up and the meal did bleed
Middle of the night the gray wolf come
Take his wife and family some

Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
Hey piggy, run, run
Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
And a hey piggy, run

Grab my gun and run to the hill
Standing up around the old wind mill
I says, «Gray wolf, if you come to steal
I’ll slit your belly and hang you by the heels»

Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
Hey piggy, run, run
Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
And a hey piggy, run

«Old Mr. Ranchman,» the gray wolf said
«My eleven little babies are starving dead»
I said, «Gray wolf, I’m troubled myself
‘Cause I’ve got a wife and children twelve»

And the old gray wolf made the big run
Made me jump and I dropped my gun

Took my gun and throwed it in the well
Durn the old gray wolf’s soul to hell

Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
Hey piggy, run, run
Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
And a hey piggy, run

Well, the old gray wolf run back to the mill
Seen my hog a-hanging by his heels
Filled up his belly from the puddle of blood
Then he grabbed my hog and struck for home

Well I tore for my house and I woke my kids
Told my wife what the gray wolf did
And the old lady hollered and the kids they yelled
They lit out over the gray wolf’s trail

Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
Hey piggy, run, run
Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
And a hey piggy, run

‘Fore daylight we trailed him home
In a great big cave where the batses roam
Sent my wife and children in
I waited outside in the northern wind

Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
Hey piggy, run, run
Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
And a hey piggy, run

First out flew the gray wolf’s nose
Then out flew its Sunday clothes
Then out sailed its hair and hide
And then out come my kids and wife

Everybody had a sandwich in his hand
Every girl had a slice of Virginia ham
My wife had a hambone slick and long
We slipped and slid the whole road home

Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
Hey piggy, run, run
Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
And a hey piggy, run

Well we got home, jumped in bed
Pulled the covers over our head
We laughed at that wolf and licked the bone
And this is the last of wild hog’s song

Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
Hey piggy, run, run
Jiggy, jiggy, bum, bum
And a hey piggy, run


Woody Guthrie – Nursery Days