Текст Dawes – Quitter
Quit talking to God if your prayers don’t get answered
Or if you don’t exactly notice when they do
Quit taking the jobs that rob you of your powers
So you can buy more shit you don’t have time to use
Where your life is lived up hunched over your phone
You’re gonna have to quit everything, until you find one thing you won’t
Quit living in the past if all you end up doing
Is practicing apologies you won’t make
Quit filling up your glass if it’s mixing and churning
With the feelings you are trying to escape
Quit committing these sins and absolving them again
As if it matters when you do or when you don’t
You’re gonna have to quit everything, until you find one thing you won’t
Quit turning to words and putting pen on paper
If it feels like you’re just putting black on white
Quit telling these girls their ideas about forever
When you only plan to know them for a night
Quit wasting my time because pretty soon you’ll find
It’s the only thing of value that we own
You’re gonna have to quit everything, until you find one thing you won’t
Quit trying to act like the world breaks into facts
When life itself is swimming through your bones
You’re gonna have to quit everything, until you find one thing you won’t
You’re gonna have to quit everything, until you find one thing you won’t