Текст Emilie Autumn – Presentation Of The Biggest Spoon
Sir Edward:
And now, my dear, when good is done
‘Twould be remiss not to reward the gracious one
And thou art she, the League has found
Who laid our fallen brother in the ground
Sir Edward & Rat Chorus:
To she, our Queen, we raise our claws
‘Twould be remiss of us not to unite our paws
And serenade her with our tune
Sir Edward:
So thus it falls to me as our tribune
To now present you with the Biggest Spoon
Rat Chorus:
Biggest Spoon…
Sir Edward:
If you don’t mind, my lady
I’ll leave the tunnel open
That we may meet again
Oh yes, of course, Sir Edward
I almost forgot to thank you
For the pencil, I mean
Sir Edward:
‘Twas my pleasure, my Queen