Текст Reese Lansangan – Grammar Nazi
See I like a boy – cute and nice and tall
But there’s one problem (Guess what)
He couldn’t spell right at all
And I know that’s not the end all – be all
Poor guy doesn’t even like book (I know!)
And sometimes, it shows
My momma told me it’s unwise to like a boy who is just nice
Who couldn’t put apostrophe s’s on his possessives
And don’t look at me when I look at you
Whenever you say «stuffs»
‘Cause that’s my cue (RETCHHH)
I’m not a nazi- I just care about good grammar
He paparazzi (okay), I just said that ’cause it rhymed
But don’t you dare commit a grammar crime on me
You type «lose» with one o if you’re losing your mind
Two O’s for describing bowel movements of any kind
You see «your» and «you’re»
They’re two, two different things, baby
It’s YOUR problem YOU’RE confused
But I’mma help you out with the words you use, yea
My momma told me it’s unwise to like a boy who is just nice
Who couldn’t put apostrophe s’s on his possessives
And don’t look at me when I look at you
Whenever you say «stuffs»
‘Cause that’s my cue (RETCHHH)
I’m not a nazi- I just care about good grammar
He paparazzi (okay), I just said that ’cause it rhymed
But don’t you dare commit a grammar crime on me
I suggest you brush up on your subject-verb agreement
You never say «Dogs barks» – you just say «bark»
Pay a bit of attention we’re gonna take it to the park
Double negatives and all its relatives
Don’t sound no good if they ain’t in a rap song
I’m gonna break it down to you
I hate it when you say «furnitures»
When you mean «pieces of furniture»
Let the plural be pluralized
The English language doesn’t deserve to be compromised
It’s TO to direct, TOO for «too much», TWO is a number
Learn it, else I’ll be holding a grudge
THERE’S two baby cubs
And THEIR momma lion
And THEY’RE together it’s as clear as day
If you’re debating if «I was» versus «If I were», I say
Who would you believe more?
Bieber or Beyonce
I’m not a nazi- I just care about good grammar
He paparazzi (okay), I just said that ’cause it rhymed
But don’t you dare commit a grammar crime on me
I’m not a nazi- I just care about good grammar
He paparazzi (okay), I just said that ’cause it rhymed
But don’t you dare commit a grammar crime on me