Текст Rhett & Link – Song For When You Want To Quit Smoking
When smoke pours from my mouth
I feel like a dragon
Or like Gandalf
Blowing magic rings
With his best friend Bilbo Baggins
Or James Dean in his white T-shirt
With smokes rolled in his sleeve
Or my granddad puffing in those polaroids
And he looked just like me
But cooler than me, ’cause he was smoking
But he’s dead
And so is James Dean
And sure James Dean died in a car wreck
but I bet a cigarette caused the accident
And Bilbo and Gandalf never existed
But if they did now they would be dead
But dragons
They do exist
And they have special lungs that resist
The carcinogenic effects of smoke
But I don’t
So I’m not gonna smoke
Or James Dean in his white T-shirt
With smokes rolled in his sleeve
Or my granddad puffing in those polaroids
And he looked just like me
But cooler than me, ’cause he was smoking
But he’s dead
And so is James Dean
And sure James Dean died in a car wreck
but I bet a cigarette caused the accident
And Bilbo and Gandalf never existed
But if they did now they would be dead
But dragons
They do exist
And they have special lungs that resist
The carcinogenic effects of smoke
But I don’t
So I’m not gonna smoke
‘Cause I’m a person, not a dragon.
Rest in peace Bilbo Baggins