Lyrics Sami Yusuf – Autumn
وكلي محتاج
أنت لك الغنى
ومثلي من يخطئ
ومثلك من يعفو
أبدى الوداد تكرما
ومثلك من يرعى
ومثلي من يجفو
وما طاب عيش
لم تكن فيه واصلاً
ولم يصف، لا والله أنىَّ له يصفو
لا اله الا الله
يا رباه أتيتك
لا إله غيرك
من لي سواك
أتيت إليك فاقبلني يا الله
يا رحمن
فاقبلني يا الله
إنني بحماك فاحبُني برضاك
داوني بدواك لا أريد سواك
قد أتيتك إليك فالأمان لديك
والعماد عليك إنني بحماك الله يا الله
From the moment we into this world are born,
Our journey begins to the Origin from which we came.
Our life is a readying for that Return,
Return to whence it all began.
Nature’s ever recurrent rhythms this truth reveal,
And remind us through the birth and death,
Spring and Autumn of vegetal life,
Of that great cycle of our own earthly existence,
With the Autumn breeze the tree colors turn,
Forests become a rainbow of shimmering hues,
Yellows and purples and reds vie with the greens,
In a geometry sublime, intricate beyond our ken,
To create a symphony of forms of endless beauty.
Nature dresses in her most noble garb,
To be worthy of being present before the Majestic King,
To whom all things do return.
And return it does as its colors diminish,
As hues fade away into a subtle colorlessness,
Which yet all colors contains, a death which is also new life.
The gnostic lives in this world of change,
Aware constantly of the Return,
The Return which the origin of true life is.
He sees in Autumn’s majesty, that Return for which he yearns,
Which for him is the Spring of heavenly life.
If Spring be the origin of life below,
Autumn is the Spring of eternal life,
That life for the Return to which the gnostic lives here on earth.
And so for him Autumn is the Spring of life divine,
Heralding the Return to that life that never ends.