
Crazy Ex–Girlfriend Cast – Eleven O’clock

Albums: Crazy Ex–Girlfriend Cast – Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Season 4)
song cover

Lyrics Crazy Ex–Girlfriend Cast – Eleven O’clock


It’s eleven o’clock
Eleven o’clock
And the deadline is anytime today
But I won’t know by eleven o’clock tonight

Just like I didn’t know at eleven o’clock yesterday

Oh good, an abstract theatrical space. Now I can actually think

It’s eleven o’clock
And by eleven o’clock
Shouldn’t I have earned a frickin’ ever after?
I’ve done the workbooks, taken the pills
What more could I do?
How could I still not know myself
After all that I’ve been through?

I was working hard at a New York job
Making dough, but it made me blue
One day, I was crying a lot
And so I decided to move to
West Covina, California
Brand new pals and new career
I admitted that’s where Josh lived
And that’s what brought me here

‘Cause I was just a girl in love
Didn’t want to be held responsible for my actions
I had many underlying issues to address
And I did and didn’t want to be crazy
No wait, I didn’t did want to be crazy
To clarify, I got a diagnosis
A diagnosis
And I named the darkness
And though I knew I’d have problems again

I know I gotta move on to a new song, but I want to keep disco-ing
I wanted to be a good person, yes it’s true
Be a good person, but better than who?
This medley just got super-intense
‘Cause life really doesn’t make narrative sense

It’s eleven o’clock
Eleven o’clock
I need to end this song, but I don’t know how
Eleven o’clock
Still eleven o’clock
Well, Rebecca, you’ve done it now
You ruined everything
You stupid bitch
Uprooted everything
And said you’d made a switch
But you’re still a poopy little slut who lives in a dream
And doesn’t know how to love
This whole journey’s been a crock
In case you can’t tell time, it’s still eleven o’clock


Crazy Ex–Girlfriend Cast – Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Season 4)